WACtv.bz U$hareCast is a Human Research Marketing Station designed to credit Members for Referring others through selfie Testimonies. Earn $50. per conversion unlimited with no age or education requirements. Start FREE before Aug. 15th. You must have:…
- An Email Address 2. Smart Phone or Computer 3. A Way to receive funds (Paypal, CashApp, etc) 4. We Need 300 Testimonies before we Launch on September 3rd 2023. So we are making an offer that if you share any of the following videos on social media and send the location address you posted (to Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) to wacptv.bz@gmail.com and we will enturn send you all 12 Key Passcodes TO OPEN the hidden videos designed as therapeutic., entertaining and provocative to say the least. After Aug. 3, 2023, Tuition will be a one time Investment of only$99. vs $25,000.00 See potential earnings below these videos.:. NOTICE: Event location has changed for the better:
1 REFERRAL = $50. 10 REFERRALS $500. 100 REFERRALS =$5,000. 200 REFERRALS = $10,000. 500 REFERRALS – $25,000. It’s time to Get ‘Paaid from those large numbers of friends on Social Media Networks, Blogs & Youtube Channels. Do yourself a favor…
- Watch Videos of Your Interest in 12 Categories.
- Learn and Get Healin Therapy from watching vital videos you didn’t know exist on Youtube.
- Help to Build a New Age Model ‘INNstitution in Belize where you and love ones can visit and get healin from ancient proven remedies past down from the Mayan and Aztec Cultures from Central America. The land of Mayan Ruins & Healin Herbs. A Student run operation.
- Become a part of History by helping to prove that going to college for most students is a waste of time and money. 300 ppl needed to testify that to be a fact.
- JUMP START Your Career and Lifestyle by a simple method of LEARN/TESTIFY&EARN.
- Get your FREE ACCESS BEFORE AUG. 15, 2023, Post one of the above videos on your favorite social media then send us the link to where you posted it.
- After September 3, 2023, the 12 Courses will be offered for a one time Investment of only $99. but still valued at the university level of over $25,000.
- DON’T WAIT... Post one of these videos and earn the right to access our Youtube Courses FREE so you can began Testifying and ‘Gettin ‘Paaid! OFFER ENDS AUG. 15th.