We Kriol, Garifuna, Maya mestizo and ketchi and other ethnetic groups of Belize and the region share a common identity so let us share in the work to preserve ourselves.
As African descendants of the Original Man and Woman, we must now come together to talk about time tested work of our cultural icons and leaders such as Marcus Garvey. The many leaders and programs to preserve life that they have influenced.
At this time I would like to single out the 102 year old declaration of rights of the negro people of the world a human rights a document written and ratified by us for us to redeem our identity culture history and geography 28years before the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10 December 1948,human rights. René Cassin of France, is known to have composed the first draft of the Declaration.
We have to take a critical look at the forces that influenced Marcus Garvey, the UNIA-ACL and their global membership functioned under one law, the law of Nature, the first law being to preserve yourself. Cause no harm to others, do no damage to the property of others. It is vitally important that We grassroots people, elders, and young adults do the REPARATIVE JUSTICE WORK and share the story of that work as we learn, teach, duplicate and apply tested methods that lawfully redeem our humanity in these times.
Garvey said our success educationally, industrially, and politically is based upon the protection of a nation founded by ourselves. And the nation can be nowhere else but in Africa. There are bodies of work we can model for social, cultural, political and economic wealth development and an African philosophy to guide us that are time tested. One hundred years ago Isaiah Morter, described as possibly the richest Black man in this region travelled to the United States with his reparative justice program and message. He met with Marcus Garvey to talk about African Redemption and his support of the UNIA’s African redemption program. Over the past month some Garveyites elaborated in conversations the need to create some time and space to look back at what has been done before we go forward. Following those conversations over the past weekend four brothers met at the Garifuna Republic in Hopkins to have a Belize Reparative justice conversation. In these conversations we have agreed that there was merit in the work done by Isaiah Morter and other revolutionary leaders that we must look at and reveal to our children. We the Africans/indigenous people born in Belize have a duty to strengthen this body of work by duplicating their effort. the First Belize Black Summit has been referenced and we have made efforts to reach out to Evan X Hyde since he was critically involved in that process.
We agreed that this Belize AFRICAN REDEMPTION EXERCISE needed a logo and a draft has been produced and will be attached to this email. We have also agreed that this exercise would be supported by a SELF SUSTAINED ECONOMIC PROGRAM run by the Belize UNIA-ACL Division 230. So we will be looking at and documenting the process as we study the relationship and demonstrations of these two men Belize’s Black millionaire Isaiah Morter and Marcus Mosiah Garvey, founder of the UNIA-ACL and Jamaica’s first national hero. Consider this fact one hundred years ago Isaiah Morter is running a successful self sustained commercial enterprise and has become one of, if not the wealthiest Black Man in this region is using his wealth to support Marcus Mosiah Garvey who has established the UNIA and has become the most flamboyant Black nationalist the world has seen are coming together to manifest an African redemption program.
The process of restoring the identity culture and dignity of the African man and woman in Belize will be a practical exercise. We will be modeling Isaiah’s Morter’s coconut industry as our Belize redemption exercise to advance and transfer social, cultural, economic and environmental methods to redeem and maintain our humanity and dignified life. A life We and Our children the potential leaders of community based social, economic, and political organizations in Belize have still not realized in 2023.
To realize the redeeming of a dignified humanity we must all plan and have a clear picture of who and what is the reason that African Redemption in Belize is yet unrealized and whose shoulders it is that has carried us so far in this “Land of the Free by the Caribbean Sea”. For this to happen in Belize we will use the 2023 Black Summit to have a critical look at the last twenty years, a meeting of minds and bodies dialoguing to connect the “DOTS” in the Belize historic record. We are talking locally but connecting to our global African/indigenous family. In this thread I have persons who can reach the editor of Amandala newspaper which the biggest circulation in Belize, the IT artist that created the draft logo, and Garveyites local and international, a member of Universal Human Rights Coalition (UHRC) and supporter of the UNIA-ACL, please share your thoughts as we go forward together.