My People purish for the lack of Knowledge … breaking the chains of psychological slavery.
Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery. None but Ourselves can FREE Our Minds.
The most perfect time ever has come true with the introduction of Affiliate Marketing in 1989, Google in 1998, Facebook in 2004, YouTube in 2005 and Tiktok in 2016…WACPtv12.0 in 2024. THE INFORMATION SUPER-HIGHWAY has opened up the portals to knowledge HIDDEN IN PLAIN SITE on Youtube with over 1 Billion Videos and the ability to search anything you could imagine. However, the problem being that very few people will venture to view some of the greatest and most valuable content while they need it the most. So we took it to the next level and did the SEARCHING, FINDING & LISTING (Conscious Niche Videos) for you within 12 Interests Group Categories. …Offering Benefits Galore including “Get Cash Fast Affiliate Action Class” where REGISTRATION is only $5. for the 1st 500 people who except our challenge. These 500 Members will form the foundation and positive base of an idea whose time has come… “The MILLION MEMBER EMPOWER-MOVEMENT”
OUR OBLIGATION, MISSION and OPPORTUNITY is to search out and log some of the most informative Youtube videos under these 12 unique categories called WACPtv12.0. These categorized videos (a growing select fraction of the total) will be utilized as a New Age Curriculum Builder for Teachers, Students and Entrepreneurs to help build a sustainable New AGE Community Mentorship of Morality and Codes of Conduct.
With an initial growing Collection of categorized Youtube videos in place, We offer a Pre-Launch TEST MARKET OPPORTUNITY for only $5. vs the $197… Save $192. by getting in on the Ground Floor of this New Age EduGetPAIDon System!!!
- Watch Any video of your interest within any of the 12 categories. Check out multiple videos in all categories to gain an appreciation of this unique collection… You will find that most of them you probably would never ever see or search for although they are free to watch on Youtube at any time.
- Next step is to qualify as a New Age Education Test Market Empower-Member Challenger. This step is needed to insure that all members are on the same page ready, willing and able to Build together, grow together, prosper together without GREED, SELFISHNESS and Self HATE.
- Make a short video testimony explaining your true feelings abut WACPtv12.0. and how it has improved some aspect of your life. Post it on social media platforms (TikTok, Youtube, Facebook, X, Instagram, etc.) These videos will be used as promotional material worth a $197. full scholarship to start earning A 50% Commission ($100.) from all new Affiliate referrals made by you from the link in your video. BE CREATIVE: MAKE A WOW VIDEO so none Members will also share your video to help you Get CASH FAST in your Affiliate Action Class.